Minnesota Paranormal Research Group

Minnesota Paranormal Research Group

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Investigation and Study of Reported Haunted Locations:

We provide professional, discreet, and confidential investigations to those who believe they are experiencing haunting phenomena. As part of this participation, we may request your permission to present non-confidential information about your case on our web site, in publications or at conferences.

It is important to note that we are researchers and investigators interested in working with our clients to document and understand reported haunting phenomena.

The first phase of the research is to conduct a detailed investigation of the site in order to rule out naturalist explanations for the occurrences. While the specifics of each investigation differ, the typical investigation includes:

We conduct investigations at homes, businesses and historic sites.

All our investigations are conducted in specific steps. You will be informed of each step before it starts and you can terminate an investigation at any time. No questions asked.

Investigation steps include:

Step 1 - Contact
We receive an investigation request from the potential client via email.
Once a case request comes in, it is assigned to a Lead Investigator to review.

Step 2 - Initial Interview
The first interview is typically conducted over the phone. This interview allows us to get the details of the case and determine if the case falls within our scope and if we can meet the client's needs.
Please note that all interviews are audio recorded and transcribed.

Step 3 - Interview Review
The main investigative team reviews the transcribed interview and makes formal recommendations on how we would proceed with the investigation or if we should decline the case request. The result of this step is the Case Action Plan (CAP). The CAP is then reviewed with the client.

In some cases we may request that the client consult with their health care provider prior to the start of an investigation.

Step 4 - Execution of the Case Action Plan
Should we move forward with the investigation, the team will begin to systematically execute the tasks set out in the CAP. These tasks may include face-to-face interviews with the client and witnesses, background and historical research on locations, initial on-site survey (to create maps, assemble floor plans, draw sketches, take photographs, and establish a base line measurement of relevant energy emissions), follow up on-site surveys as needed in order to properly document any anomalous events, analysis of collect data and final recommendations.

This step results in the creation of a Case Findings and Recommendation Report (CFR).

Step 5 - Disclosure and Recommendations
The investigative team reviews the CFR with client. During this time we provide detailed Information about what has been discovered during the course of the investigation and, if necessary, provide any recommendations.

Should actual paranormal events be documented, the second phase of the research will being. During this phase we will try to answer specific questions about the phenomena and how they relate to the survival of human personality after physical death.

For more information please contact us here...